Tyler Roy
Tyler Roy – solo acoustic – tylerroymusic.com
Over the past 12 years Tyler has soared from acoustic shows at the local bar to performing full tours all over the United States. He has been performing at festivals and opening up for names like: Jerrod Niemann, Levi Hummon, Adam Hambrick, Kari Lynch, Kendall Tucker, Derek Jones, Kari Lynch and more.
His tours have been reaching down to Pensacola FL, Houston TX, Louisville KY and the entire Midwest.
Tyler has co-written with many hit song writers to include Jimbeau Hinson whose song Fancy Free topped the Billboard charts at #1. Taking the influences of those who inspire him and also pulling from his personal experiences Tyler Roy’s song writing and voice is exemplary. That voice and talent scoured him on the top 10 on WOTV Idol in Grand Rapids Michigan two years in a row.
Within the past year Tyler Roy has released 7 new singles, including his big single Wild and Crazy where the music video went viral and the song received over 20,000 streams.
Today Tyler Roy is going wherever the music takes him.