The Acousticators (Bill Smith and Bryan Belisle) began as next door neighbors and friends, over 25 years ago, with some back yard patio jams and brews! Their common musical journeys have ventured through several iterations of now inactive “electric” bands (The B-Fours, The PsychoRelics and The Paperback Writers) playing in and around Colorado with Bill playing lead guitar and Bryan primarily on Bass, and always with lots of harmony vocals thrown in by both. But the pull to get back to the basics has always been imminent for these 2 veteran musicians, and their collective talents will be on display in their live events. In the last few years, Paul Ermisch has been a welcome addition to the performances with his melodic (classically trained) violin contributions, adding his unique flavors to the mix. Please come out and enjoy this collection of passionate musicians as they weave through their acoustic renditions of favorite tunes from influences, past and present, as well as a few original tunes. View Facebook Event